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Your security is a priority for us. We use the latest security technologies to encrypt your personal information as it travels across the internet and your credit cards are guaranteed against fraudulent charges. We've designed the site so that these protections are automatic; there's nothing you need to do except shop...with confidence!
We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to provide you with the safest, most secure shopping experience possible. SSL is the most widely used data encryption coding system for secure e-commerce transactions. All of the forms on our site are secured with SSL technology, which means your credit card numbers and other personal information is always encrypted (scrambled) before it is sent or received over the Internet.
Our server is protected by a secure firewall—communication management software specially designed to keep information secure and inaccessible by other Internet users. So you're safe while you shop, and if you choose to store your personal information and credit card numbers with us by registering, it's always secure, and protected by your own password. (If you do not opt to register and choose a password, your account details will not be stored.)
We've taken the guesswork out of it: if your browser software doesn't permit SSL encryption you won't be able to place an order or fill out any order forms at our site. Up-to-date browsers will work just fine! This limitation affects only a few older browsers and we've kept it in place for your protection.
Before logging into your account, placing an item in your shopping bag, or beginning the checkout process, your browser (like Internet Explorer, for instance) may indicate that SSL is being used by displaying a popup window. You can also tell simply by looking at the URL in the address window. If you see the letters "https" in front of our URL (instead of just "http"), you'll know we're using SSL to keep your information safe. (Note: As you move around on the site, you may notice that some pages display http in the address window, instead of https. Don't worry—that just means there's no place for you to enter information on those particular pages, so there's nothing for us to encrypt. Anytime you move back to a page with forms, https will appear again. There's nothing special for you to do.)
Even though your account information is safe as it travels across the Internet, what happens if your credit card is lost or stolen, or if you are a victim of fraud? Good news: Under consumer protection laws, your liability is limited to $50 in cases of fraudulent charges to your credit card account. (You must notify your credit card company as outlined in your credit card agreement for this protection.) In cases of loss, theft, or fraud, if anyone uses your card for unauthorized charges, you are not liable.