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  • 08/08/2022 8:11 PM | Joe Payne (Administrator)

    Send me your news updates in the woodturning world

  • 12/14/2021 8:51 AM | Joe Payne (Administrator)

    Mark Sillay from Georgia will be hosting an all-day turning demonstration in our club shop on January 16th.  This guys really knows his stuff and carries a great instructional technique. 

    In addition, we have Mark booked for two separate all-day hands-on workshops.  You won't find a better value for all-day hands-on woodturning instruction.  Check out the club event calendar for all the details.

  • 11/14/2021 7:24 AM | Joe Payne (Administrator)

    We have finalized our plans for this year's annual Christmas dinner and fundraiser event.  To check out all the details, just click this link.

    We hope to see you there!

  • 03/29/2021 6:42 AM | Joe Payne (Administrator)

    Monthly club meetings will resume being held at Riverside Community Center starting in May 2021.  Masks and social distancing will be recommended but not required.

  • 09/17/2020 7:30 AM | Joe Payne (Administrator)

    Our club meeting will be held online tonight via Zoom.  All members should have received their Zoom invite by now.  Contact any club officer if you have not received it.

    Our featured demonstrator will be Rudy Lopez demonstrating his thin goblet from a branch.  Meeting starts 6:30pm.

  • 05/04/2020 9:17 AM | Joe Payne (Administrator)

    All club activities are suspended for April and May 2020 due to the pandemic.  We will continue to monitor the situation and update everyone as it evolves.

  • 03/13/2020 10:03 AM | Joe Payne (Administrator)

    All club events scheduled in March 2020 are cancelled.  We will continue to monitor the Coronavirus pandemic and advise members via email.

  • 02/22/2020 10:06 AM | Joe Payne (Administrator)

    The club is selling some old and/or donated equipment.  Check your email for the announcement and details.

  • 01/21/2020 8:39 PM | Deleted user

    Hey Fellow Woodturners!

    This weekend, January 24-26 "The Woodworking Shows" will be at the Florida State Fair Entertainment Hall located at 4800 US Highway 301 North, Tampa, FL, 33610.  The show runs Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and one ticket gets you in all three days.  ($12 in advance, $14 at the door).   All three days are filled with tons of seminars and demonstrations.  All the woodturning related seminars and demos are included with the price of admission.  Of course with all the vendors that will be there, it will be like going to Woodturners-R-Us Toy Store!!  I will be up there on Saturday; the guy that will have his wife pushing him away from all the vendors :)...

    Hope to see you all there...

  • 01/09/2020 11:10 AM | Deleted user

    If you would like to support the military men and women who are serving and protecting our country, and you are addicted to pen turning like me, Phil Adilla is looking for volunteers on our next open shop day, Saturday, January 18th, from 9 am until noon, to turn pens that will be sent to our active-duty troops. 

    So come out on the 18th and show your support for these amazing men and women by sharing your love for turning.  This gives us an opportunity to give them something they can use every day that shows them how much we appreciate their sacrifice.  

    If you have any questions about our club's "Pens for Troops" project, please reach out to any of the club officers!

    BTW, I turned and finished 10 sets of pre-tubed pen blanks last week on open shop day.  Who is up to outdoing me? :) 

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Chapter 120
American Association of Woodturners

3061 E Riverside Dr
Fort Myers, FL 33916

2020 Grant Recipient

Copyright (c) 2019 Woodturners of Southwest Florida, Inc.

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